FREE Membership Now Available For Limited Time

Build Oqtane Modules Fast by igniting Oqtane (rocket fuel) for Blazor!

What is Amazing Oqtane Studio

Amaizng Oqtane Studio (AOS) generates all the necessary CRUD code for you in a few seconds following the Oqtane Framework conventions

AOS allows you to build Oqtane Modules in minutes. The Amazing thing is that you don't have to worry about building repetitive CRUD code. It is specially built for the Oqtane Framework as an Oqtane module offered as a SaaS service, and it leverages the Default Module Template

Since you have the source code, you can easily modify the source code and inject your custom/business logic into the generated code.

Value Proposition

What Value Does AOS Offer

Fast & Easy

Amazing Oqtane Studio allows you to easily create the shared (models), server(services, repositories, entity builders, migrations etc) and client (pages) You just need to define your entity and its properties and leave the rest to Amazing Oqtane Studio.

Source Code

Amazing Oqtane Studio generates the code for your module and places the generated code in the correct place in your module solution. The Source Code follows the Oqtane conventions and best practices, allowing you to lift off by igniting Oqtane (rocket fuel) for Blazor!

Rich Options

Amazing Oqtane Studio allows you to choose what source code you need to generate and generates the shared, server or client source code for your module and places the generated code in the correct place in your module solution.


Source Code AOS Generates

Entity Models



















AOS Levels & Plans

AOS Membership Includes Levels and Plans

AOS Developer

Create module solutions with entities and properties related to your entities and generate and download your module solution.

Free For Lifetime Membership

Free membership as an AOS Developer is Free for a Limited time

AOS Pro Developer

Do all the things that an AOS Developer can do. In addition, create entities with navigation properties (1 to 1) and (n to n) relationships

Yearly Membership

Comming soon ... stay tuned in the meantime enjoy the free membership!

AOS Expert Developer

Do all the things that an AOS Developer and Pro Developer can do, In addition, select a specific source code to be generated and access to Radzen, Syncfusion and MudBlazor Templates.

Yearly Membership

Comming soon ... stay tuned in the mean time enjoy the free membership!


Check Out Our Membership Pricing

AOS Developer

$0 / yr
  • Create module solutions
  • Add entities to your solution
  • Add properties to your Entities
  • Use the rich options to configure your propeties
  • Generate your module solution
  • Download the module solution
  • Add enum and custom Select List properties
  • Add Navigation properties for 1-to-many
  • Add Navigation properties for many-to-many
  • Access to Razden Template
  • Access to Syncfusion Template
  • Access to Mud Blazor Template
Join Now