Release 1.0.6

Release 1.0.6 includes enhancements and bug fixes.

  • [ENH] - Generate all Entities
  • [ENH] - Added the TextArea control is property isTextArea
  • [ENH] - Changed Decimal Type to decimal
  • [FIX] - New Entity to redirect to Entity Tab and reset form
  • [FIX] - The name of the property should be Name not EnumName
  • [FIX] - The Property name of Enum should be the name in entity
  • [FIX] - The name of the enum control and in the method should be Property Name
  • [FIX] - Fixed navigation for new entity function
  • [FIX] - Use property name in RenderAddProperties when Enum
  • [FIX] - Decimal Precision and Sale to AddProperty
  • [FIX] - EntityId in Service Interface Template to be camalised

Check out the ability to all generate all entities with Textarea for MaxStringColumns